I grew up in Mobile, Alabama before going to college at The University of Alabama. After graduating, I spent time in Yellowstone National Park, then in the surrounding area, exploring and enjoying nature.
Once I gave up adventuring, I began my work experience in a few fields. When I realized sales wasn't my thing, I followed my passion for working with kids and began teaching.
My creative side is satisfied through my web design, painting, and graphic design pursuits. Hobbies include hiking, travelling, photography, gaming, fishing, biking, and writing. I also love watching movies, reading, thumbing through my comic collection, and being around our dogs.
Above all of this is my family. I'm immensely proud of my three sons. Bayley is a graduate of the University of Tampa in Environmental Science and is working in Florida. Slade and Brecken are in high school keeping me busy with their sports and teenage adventures.
My wife, Belinda, keeps me grounded. I'm proud of her accomplishments and love the way she keeps us all organized. Without her support, I'd be lost. Literally. I can't find my way around without her. Her humor keeps me laughing. Her heart for doing the right thing is amazing. And her love is what powers me through everything.
Most days, I'm pretty positive and believe that things will always work out. I will say that the state of the world today makes it difficult to stay positive, but I really do believe that if we look for the positive in life, we'll find it.